Thursday, September 10, 2009

highlights from our northwest trip: mariners game

i got to cross one more ballpark off my lifetime list AND got to sample some ballpark sushi named after ichiro suzuki - the "ichi-roll" in case you were wondering. all in all, a pretty great day.


B SQUARED said...

Sushi at a ball park? I must be getting old. Next thing you know, they will be serving Nachos.

Justin said...

Justin likes this blog post.

ben wideman said...

B Squared - Safeco has the best food selection I've ever seen. Sushi is just the tip of the iceberg.

Justin - Ya man, you've got one pretty little ballpark there in Seattle.

Cafe Pasadena said...

Great pic, bw! But, where's the beer??

ben wideman said...

I had plenty of quality beer along the way, but somewhat surprisingly - none at the game.