like some kind of modern internet based dual, laurie over at glimpses of south pasadena has challenged her area counterparts to post their best photo of pasadena's craftsman homes. i've struggled to capture the best, but i've got a few offerings for her. today's is almost perfect but it lacks the iconic stonework at the base of the columns. it does have several of my favorite features - vibrant paint, a massive porch overhang, and it is surrounded with greenery.
so far mr. earl has stepped up to the challenge, and petrea followed suit, but more could come soon...
like hatching a patch for instance. good one!
Nice one.
Your shot is a good one, Ben! I'm going to complaint about those vinyl windows, though. That's a shame.
Agreed, I hadn't even noticed! What were they thinking?
I have a craftsmen in my 'hood with the stones you are talking about. I'll try to get a picture today.
Hey Ben,
Thanks for the link. Please take another look at my blog, however. I withdrew the Gamble House because it was perhaps "too easy," in the "Big and Non-Bushy Category" and substituted a smaller house.
Mr. E
ok, so I went on a little Craftsman hunt and here is my post...
I'm not competing, though. Just having fun!
BW, I still think Petrea is in the lead in this smackoff.
Thanks, C.O., you're sweet.
More than anything else, it's the porch and greenery that I love about this!
Love the shot, Ben. (But with P about those vinyl windows?!??!)
This is so much fun.
I <3 craftsman
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