okay, this isn't the first time we've talked about this on my blog or on other photo blogs, but it happened again, and this time it got a little crazy.
this image is of pasadena towers - an impressive building with a some fascinating mosaic artwork right under the entry arch. this artwork was so eye catching that i pulled out my camera to take a picture - from my justified location on the sidewalk. as i raised my camera an employee raced up to me and the following took place:
1. she demanded that i delete the image i just took (even though i had not taken one yet)
2. she requested to see the photos on my camera
3. she informed me that if i took an image she would call the police
4. she told me that she didn't want me to get in trouble, so i better just leave
of course i informed her politely that she needed to tell me why i was not allowed to take a picture in a public location. i reiterated that i was allowed to take a picture while i was on the sidewalk. i encouraged her to notify the police so that she could learn why it was legal for me to take a picture.
i really should have stayed around and pressed the issue further, but due to time limitations i left without resolving anything, or taking a picture (at least not the one i wanted). it was pretty fun to argue knowing that i was in the right and that employee had little to stand on.
petrea (of pasadena daily photo) has already pointed me toward this website. my plan is to print off that very helpful document (which hints that this particular person could be charged for harassing me!) and return to the scene of the crime (?) and try again to get that photo.