Thursday, September 09, 2010

family photo

just got back from a week in lovely southern ontario, where we spent time visiting friends and family and introducing them to the newest member of our family.  we had a great time - although as with most vacations with people you love, it went by much too quickly.

pictured above with meredith, myself, and the new baby, are my parents (on the right), one sister and my brother-in-law (on the left), and my other sister holding the baby's hand.


Petrea Burchard said...

That's a passel of happy people.

Bellis said...

Are you from Toronto? I spent 8 weeks there a couple of years ago, and miss walking my dog along the Rouge River,the Niagara escarpment, and the shores of Lake Ontario in the late summer sunshine. I'd go back every summer if I could - but I'd also want to spend the winters in Pasadena.

ben wideman said...

Yep - I grew up about 45 minutes outside of the city (depending on traffic). I actually picked sweet corn for Rouge River Farms - which is located near the Rouge River Valley.

We also don't make it back to mom and dad's place nearly enough.

Cafe Pasadena said...

I Like this.

ben wideman said...

Thanks Cafe.