and so, we've reached the end.
the sky is big in pasadena lasted through four years of daily photos. this is the one thousand four hundred and forty-first consecutive daily blog post. this humble site has seen over 90,000 visitors and thousands of wonderful comments.
i set out to give myself an artistic outlet during my time in seminary, and i never imagined how big it could become. it has been an incredible journey and i am extremely proud of the result.
but to be quite honest, i am ready for a break. i'm sure i'll probably start blogging again sometime in the near future - maybe in a different format and certainly in a new location. i don't know quite what my blogging future holds, but i can say that today's post is the last one for now.
i want to say thank you to everyone who has ever visited, and an even bigger thank you to those who have commented, become daily visitors, or added this website to your blogroll or rss feed. your appreciation of my work has been what has kept this project going.
and finally, there are plenty of good blogs out there about pasadena and the san gabriel valley. the sidebar of this blog contains many of them.
my favorites are these fine sites. if you haven't already, please add these incredible blogs to your reading list...
pasadena daily photo (petrea is the best of the best and an incredible inspiration)
glimpses of south pasadena (laurie is also incredible, just further south)
91105 and beyond (newer on the pasadena scene, but lots of fun photos)
all over pasadena (the newest pasadena daily photographer whom i just discovered)
pasadena pio (our public information officer is an incredible blogger and wonderful person)
cafe pasadena (not a daily photographer, but knows and comments on ALL area blogs)
an immovable feast (my favorite local food reviewer)