i'm a big fan of the short lived tv show, arrested development. so i was quite pleased to hear that tony hale who played buster bluth from the show would be on fuller seminary's campus to talk about the intersection between his faith and working in hollywood as an actor. the event was organized by the brehm center, hence nate risdon is in the above photo, orchestrating the q&a time.
another great example of the interesting programming that happens at fuller - not just a place to learn theology, but a place to interact with the world.
Wow! I have been so impressed with the speakers you have featured here. I have an uncle who used to teach at Fuller and I guess I never realized what a broad-spectrum education it is. Cool!
Oh, and that first shot is so great. I love the composition with that skewed angle and the diagonal. Beautiful capture, Ben.
Oh hey! He was on Chuck for awhile, too -- very cool, Ben!
You get some amazing programs there. What I love most is the campus itself. I love walking among the craftsman houses-turned-Fuller buildings.
Yep, a pretty cool place to be!
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