day six of the pasadena park marathon. i hope you're hanging with me! jefferson park is a pretty little park located right across the street from jefferson elementary school.
from the city website:
"Jefferson Park is located at 1501 East Villa Street. Park Hours of operation are from 6:00 am to 10:00 pm. The size of the park is 4.4 acres with existing facilities that include one lighted softball diamond with bleacher capacity for 150 people; small open field for soccer, flag football, or overlay softball; lighted basketball court; play areas; picnic tables; benches; drinking fountains; and a water park."
previous pasadena parks...
1. brookside park
2. singer park
3. central park
4. grant park
5. victory park
"A water park"? Intriguing. I have never been to this park, but it is within waling distance from our house so we'll have to pay it a visit this summer.
Ya, the "water park" is pretty tiny, but it is there. I'm not sure how often it is in use.
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