one of old town's newest fast food eateries is big city hot dogs. as the name implies, they specialize in dogs in the style of several of america's hot dog loving cities (chicago dog pictured above). the menu lists a variety of topping options with city flare.
we were happy with our order, but nothing was particularily spectacular about our time there. our dogs were steamed (or boiled?) and i always prefer if they are grilled. aside from that it was a fun place to eat a quick lunch.
a side note - a google search comes up with zero hits for an actual business website. do these kinds of start up businesses think they can exist without getting their cyberface on? i can't fathom thinking this way.
You're the 4th person I know who has gone there, and literally all four of you had the exact same opinion: good, nothing special.
My husband would look at that picture and his mouth would water. I look at it and think bellyache!
I agree about websites, seems silly not to have one if you have a business.
Exactly! I just can't understand what they could possibly be thinking.
Where are they in old town? I don't remember seeing them. And no website? That seems obstinently retro... But notion a good way! :)
right beside King Taco on Arroyo.
Kat loves her hot dogs. The bigger the better...
Cafe - that comment is bordering on the line of questionable - especially for an old dog like you...
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