Wednesday, October 08, 2008

the green house

not sure why i've never noticed this house before. it is just off of a road that i ride my bike on quite often. maybe it's because it does such a good job blending into the landscape.

for those in the neighborhood wanting to go see it, you can get this view from the prospect blvd bridge that goes over seco st.


Hilda said...

Love its location! They must get some very beautiful views from those large windows.

Laurie Allee said...

DOn't you love houses that blend in? This is a great example.

Petrea Burchard said...

Wow, it's a beauty. Thanks for the map! I'll go take a look.

Sorry I haven't been around much, Ben. My schedule's going to be pretty full for another month or so and I'm having a hard time keeping up. I'm looking more than commenting.

ben wideman said...

Not a problem at all Petrea. I'm guilty of the same thing.

ben wideman said...

Me too Ms. H, me too.