last night was one of the greatest games i've ever had the privilege of being a part of. for starters, being on the field during the opening ceremonies as part of the flag ceremony was beyond incredible. then the game that followed was intense from beginning to end. the korean fans were much more enthusiastic, and also out in greater number. japan led for most of the game, and then korea tied them in the bottom of the 9th inning before ichiro won it with a single in the top of the 10th. japan is the 2009 world baseball champion.
this game ranks right up there with this one, and this one, in terms of games i've experienced live. stage one of my baseball week is done, and the world baseball classic didn't disappoint. on to arizona for some sun and spring training.
oh, and if anyone has any pictures of the opening flag ceremony, please send them my way.
I trying to say it loud enuf for the Korean manager to hear: "Why are you pitching to Ichiro with 1st base free???!"
Truth & Consequences.
WELL SAID! I was thinking the exact same thing.
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