Tuesday, June 23, 2009

live h2o concert at the magestical roof

i'm sad to say i had never even heard of this place, so when i got home i did a quick google search and found that one of my fellow bloggers had already covered this super interesting part of town. check it out here.

this past weekend they were having a concert for the living waters and the waters of darfur. pretty cool. i was also intrigued by this garden structure with hanging magnifying glasses...

more from pasadena's super busy weekend coming up tomorrow...


pasadenapio said...

Pasadena is filled with great little treasure troves that are hiding in plain sight!

ben wideman said...

I'm learning this!

Cafe Pasadena said...

Oh yes!, I know this place. In fact, I once ck'd out office space up on that roof. There''s a winding staircase taking u up here. Thanks for the reminder!