lets face it - there are several great west coast beer towns - seattle, portland, san francisco, and san diego - but los angeles has never been mentioned in the same breath as these. that may be about to change. with a small group of very interesting breweries in the area, the scene is beginning to change for the better.
eatdrinkplay.com is putting together the l.a. beer fest, and it is happening soon. the list of participating brewers is exciting and lengthy, and also kind of strange - like why are macro breweries like budweiser and pabst attending along side of regional micros lagunitas, pizza port, or the bruery? - signs that this is their first attempt at a festival of this nature, or maybe they just want to attract the largest possible group and not just the beer nerds (i'm also sad to note that pasadena's craftsman brewing company isn't listed in those who are attending (photo above)).
more info can be found at their website (right here), and i'll be giving a full report of my experience next week!