in case you live in pasadena and you've been hiding under a rock, i feel that it is my duty to inform you that u2 is coming to your hometown. they are set to play at the rose bowl on october 25, and their concert went on sale, and promptly sold out on monday. reports that at 90,000 tickets sold, this is the fastest and largest event to ever sell out at the rose bowl.
today's photo is of an elevator - which is very losely related to u2 - and was taken pointing my camera in the oposite direction of this image.
Oh, how I'd love to go. I actually got to go to the opening of Rattle and Hum at Mann's Chinese back in the day. My friends and I sat right in front of the band. Larry kept kicking my seat during the film. Later, we went to the after-party at The Formosa in Hollywood and I felt like part of a great rock and roll adventure. That is undoubtedly my favorite memory of my youth!
R U sure U2 is playing at de Rose Bowl, and not at your local store, like a Target?
Laurie, that is an AWESOME memory! So cool that Larry was kicking your seat.
Cafe, I'm pretty sure they aren't playing at Target.
I'm not sure why they're saying it's sold out... you can still get tickets on ticketmaster. I got mine ;)
I love our two-story Target store.
TicketMaster still has tickets available for U2.
To clarify, yes, all the tickets were sold, and a big block of them were sold to TicketMaster.
Laurie...lucky you!
Ben: btw, theres a nice little exhibit on baseball in the foyer of the PCC library.
I'm going to go check that out. Thanks PA!
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